Struggle: Growth and spiritual formation are often the result of toil and difficulty. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are vested with the task of carrying each other’s burden. Only by being honest about our condition, our weaknesses, difficulties, and deepest hurts, can we find hope and healing.
Thanks for the visual blog. I see it as a strong expression of struggle, definitely capturing spiritual/emotional struggle more than simply physical hardships. I'd be interested to see some of your own photography in the blog if you have the capability!
I'm using a couple of your images in my worship service this evening. We are talking about the inner struggle we have as people of God who fight receiving the wisdom God offers to us. I think the same struggle translates into communities of faith who work harder at resisting God's grace than receiving it and allowing it to change us. Thank you for sharing publicly.
I am married to Katrina and have four kids, Kyra, Elena, Zach, and Alex. I am the lead pastor of the Open Door missional church community. My home away from home is local pub called the Sharp Edge where I love to put back an IPA or a Belgium double.
Thanks for the visual blog. I see it as a strong expression of struggle, definitely capturing spiritual/emotional struggle more than simply physical hardships. I'd be interested to see some of your own photography in the blog if you have the capability!
I'm using a couple of your images in my worship service this evening. We are talking about the inner struggle we have as people of God who fight receiving the wisdom God offers to us. I think the same struggle translates into communities of faith who work harder at resisting God's grace than receiving it and allowing it to change us. Thank you for sharing publicly.
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